sip. stir. batter. bite.
Recreate some of my fave sips and bites from around the world.
Jamaican Jerk Sauce + Jerk Meatballs
One of the easiest ways to stay connected to my Jamaican culture growing up was the FOOD. The spicy, smokey flavor of Jerk is one of Jamaica’s biggest claims to fame.
Jamaican Rice and Peas
Rice and peas is a (delicious!) Jamaican staple. Some people love rice for the purpose of soaking up gravy. And while I like gravy just as much as the next person, I like my rice to be so flavorful it can stand on its own.
Braised Oxtail Ragu
This is one of my favorite dishes from my B&B in Jamaica. It’s a non-traditional recipe that incorporates some classic flavors plus some inspired by my Chinese Jamaican heritage.